Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 8 Update

This week's update is going to be short and to the point. My office computer crashed last Wednesday and I lost all of my photos. So I have not had any time to deal with the computer. I am typing this on my Ipad and it is not the easiest thing to do.

We had a great week after a slow start. The rain last weekend slowed down the project but they really rebounded on the days that they could work. All of the concrete cart paths have been installed except in 2 places. The new paths are really nice and it makes it very easy to get around the golf course once again.

The new tees on #18 were completed. On Friday they were seeded and sodded. On Saturday the tees on #5 were completed and they were seeded on Sunday. They will be completely sodded around today before the rain tonight. They are working on #17 tees today and hopefully they will be completed by the end of the week.

Irrigation mainlines are all in! That is a major accomplishment and now that crew will be coming back to the holes and disconnecting old lines and connect to the new mainlines. They hope to be done in 2 weeks.

The shapers have some rough shaping to do on #4 and #5 greens this week. On #3 we will have some major dirt work to do towards the end of the week. Most of the soil that is removed on the right side of this green will move to the area behind the green to help hide that green. Once that is completed all of the major dirt work will be done.

Some more people and equipment are coming in this week to make a major push on bunker building. All of the bunkers will be built, drainage installed, sodded and then they will come back and install sand.

It is rewarding to start finishing up these little pieces to the puzzle and we are now starting to see the entire project coming together.