Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A few inside winter time projects

I thought I would show you some photos of some inside winter projects that we have been working on. As many of you know we do all of our own woodworking. Here the guys are putting some finishing touches on our new tee markers.

Part of anytime winter project is doing some sprucing up inside the maintenance building. Mark has been very busy fixing some bad spots in the drywall and then do some repainting. Here is a photo from our locker room area. We also serve lunch out of this area every day.

Here are some of the chain stake posts that we are building. We purchased a new branding iron logo. We are trying to get the Solheim Cup logo out on the golf course a little more. This is our first attempt at trying to get that done.

One thing that we are very proud of is our new job board. In the past our managers spend a lot of their time traveling from their golf courses to the maintenance facility. With 35 holes North of that building there is a lot of travel time and loss of labor just to update the daily job board. So now with our new addition we can update that job board from anywhere. The guys can access it with their iPads or their smart phones. We also using it to do training for the staff.

Last fall we had a main bearing failure in one of our irrigation motors. We had it rebuild and with the nice weather today we took it back out and reinstalled it. It is now all ready to go.